Peter Reichert: Projects
(to be completed after retirement)
Metamorphic Testing of Machine Learning and Conceptual Hydrologic Models
with Kai Ma,
Marvin Hoege,
Fabrizio Fenicia,
Marco Baity-Jesi,
Dapeng Feng and
Chaopeng Shen
Testing the response of different hydrologic models to changes in temperature and rainfall.
2024-06-13: Project completed with publication in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences:
- Reichert, P., Ma, K., Höge, M., Fenicia, F., Baity-Jesi, M., Feng, D., and Shen, C.
Metamorphic Testing of Machine Learning and Conceptual Hydrologic Models.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 28(11), 2505-2529, 2024.
Comprehensive Uncertainty Assessment in Environmental Decision Support
with Ambuj Sriwastava
Considering uncertainty in preferences in addition to the uncertainty in outcomes and quantifying the ambiguity in probability distributions.
Swiss National Science Foundation, grant no. 200021_192122.
- Sriwastava, A. and Reichert, P.
Reducing sample size requirements by extending discrete choice experiments to indifference elicitation.
Journal of Choice Modelling 48, 100426, 2023.
- Sriwastava, A. and Reichert, P.
Robust Bayesian Estimation of Value Function Parameters using Imprecise Priors.
Under review.
River Rehabilitation Prioritization with a Focus on the Fish Migration Potential
Prioritization of river rehabilitation and fish migration barrier removal by extending ideas from the following publications:
- Reichert, P., Langhans, S., Lienert, J. and Schuwirth, N.
The Conceptual Foundation of Environmental Decision Support.
Journal of Environmental Management 154, 316-332, 2015.
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.01.053 (open access)
- Kuemmerlen, M., Reichert, P., Siber, R. and Schuwirth, N.
Ecological assessment of river networks: From reach to catchment scale.
Science of the Total Environment 650, 1613-1627, 2019.
Part 1: Development of a procedure for prioritization of fish barrier removal with the
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN),
Wasser-Agenda 21 (WA21) and
2024: Project completed with the following publications (in German):
- Reichert, P., Ambord, I., von Wattenwyl, K., Schläppi, S., Pompini, M., Dönni, W., Thomas, G., Siber, R. und Schuwirth, N.
Priorisierung der Sanierung künstlicher Fischwanderhindernisse.
Aqua & Gas 3, 68 - 72, 2024.
- Reichert, P., Ambord, I., von Wattenwyl, K., Schläppi, S., Pompini, M., Dönni, W., Thomas, G., Siber, R. und Schuwirth, N.
Verfahren zur Priorisierung der Beseitigung künstlicher Fischwanderhindernisse in Fliessgewässersystemen.
Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), 2023.
(Anhang 1 zu
Ambord, Isabelle und Thomas, Gregor.
Revitalisierung Fliessgewässer - Strategische Planung: Ein Modul der Vollzugshilfe Renaturierung der Gewässer. Stand 2023.
Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), 2023.
Part 2: Extension of part 1 by an automatic search for an optmal barrier rehabilitation strategy (with
Nele Schuwirth and
Rosi Siber).
Modelling Nitrogen Isotopes in Lake Sediments
Alessandra Mazzoli,
Moritz Lehmann et al.
Modelling (quasi-) steady-state lake sediment profiles of compounds containing different nitrogen isotopes.
Two papers in preparation:
- Mazzoli, A., Reichert, P., Frey, C., Callbeck, C. M., Paulus, T. J., Zopfi, J. and Lehmann, M. F.
A new comprehensive biogeochemical model for benthic N isotopes.
In preparation.
- Mazzoli, A., Reichert, P., Callbeck, C. M., Paulus, T. J., Katsev, S., Canfield, D. E., Frey, C., Zopfi, J. and Lehmann, M. F.
Environmental controls on the expression of the isotope effects of porewater nitrogen solutes across selected benthic habitats.
In preparation.
Consistency of Value and Utility Function Aggregation
Investigating conditions for a consistent aggregation procedure of value and utility functions that are constructed
hierarchically based on an objectives hierarchy.
Scaling Laws in Hydrology
Carlo Albert
Improving additive and intrinsic error models in hydrology by considering multifractal processes.